Tuesday 14 May 2013

You Asked - I Answer - Stephanie Tells It Like It Really Is!!

First of all, I
loved the questions.
Some had me laughing, pensive, reflective, etc. It was just awesome. And i can't wait for you to read the  answers to your questions

So in an effort to share more of my artistry for eg, what inspires me, etc I thought why not let you guys interview me. And i must say you guys are quite good. So i drew from my Bbm, Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter community.  Here are your questions and answers:

Handel, Alexx Frass, Philleta: Who is Stephanie? / Tell me about yourself.
Stephanie: Stephanie is " the crowned one" as my name means; i believe my life and my purpose is not ordinary, I am confidence; soft yet assertive, I am a nurturer; It comes naturally for me to care for others, I am a lover; fiercely and passionately, I am a dreamer, I dare; tell me I can't and I'll devote my time to doing "it" and being successful. I take myself too seriously sometimes but I know how to have a good time with the right people. I read and read and read some more....lol, and I love TV(Anything Oprah, talk shows and everything on Bravo and E - yes I'm unapologetic about reality tv). To top it all off music and family encompasses my life.

Andre Hudson: How on earth are you so sexy? Where did you get that stunning voice from? How early you started in your career? Where from here?
Stephanie: Andre never hear say is just one question? Lol. K Dre if you must know a) I think I got it from my momma :), b) I was born with it, the Almighty set it, c) I started as early as third form (9th grade) doing cabaret on the north coast, d) From here its world stages as Stephanie, not as a bgv..but with my own music, own band, own mission. The next chapter begins!!

Kedron "Blueprint", Djenne: Why Music?
Stephanie: I'm going to go cliche with this one and say music chose me. But its true! I accepted and no matter what else i did outside of that or whatever else i tried it all came back to music. Match made in heaven :).

Rudy: With the music business so difficult to make it especially for woman. Why bother to go into that field?
Marlon C: Why music? There must be an easier way to make a living.
Stephanie: Easy is for those who don't dare to dream. Besides music is where my joy and passion lies. In a sense it is easy.

Nikki: Are you a man or a woman? Lol
Stephanie: I'm all woman!!

Michael H: How come you nuh buss bigger than this yet - and you're more talented that what's out there?
Stephanie: Mikey that's a big compliment. And I wont go on a rant about how the music industry this and that. I'm putting this one solely on myself. I have a product that's international-esque, a fusion of various genres but with reggae and dancehall as the common denominator. There is a unique way to market my product and i think I'm just catching on to what really works. Still trend-setting, no compromising. Staying true to my musical identity but learning along the way what "works" best so bussing in the very near future Mike :). Btw mi already buss in my mind...hehee

Marlon-Anthony: How do you handle motherhood, being a wife and being a recording artist full time? Amongst the other projects you coordinate, and still have time to always look your best and maintain a great body?
Stephanie: Mar Mar are you hitting on me? lol. Hmm well i think I answered this partly with the answer I gave Tha Future but additionally i will say this its hard work. I love motherhood, i love music and i love everything else i do in my life - so while its hard work, i enjoy it all so i don't complain. Looking my best is a result of fulfillment, I truly feel great with where my life is going, I'm living my dream and i believe it reflects in the physical. But even that takes effort you know...want to keep his eyes on me, you know what I mean *wink*...lol. I look good when i feel good, and I feel good when i look good.

Cali: If you get one chance to create a  new genre of music out of all the different types and styles of music you love, what genres would you blend to get a new sound/music?
Stephanie: I love this question. Well i already do fusion music but i think and interesting blend would definitely be Reggae and Bollywood (Indian-culture influenced) music. We could call it Reggae-wood...hahaaaa...lol.

Tha Future: How do you balance your family life and career? And how prepared are you for the busy times ahead?
Stephanie: I take everything one step at a time and focus on one thing at a time. I don't try to juggle. So that's how i achieve balance. Well i just sent Madison(my youngest) off to pre school because the busy times have started and there is a shift happening. My family life is definitely adjusting to facilitate an expanding career.

Wayne Lyrics: What made you such a brilliant singer?
Stephanie: First of all thank you. My voice as come a long way. I was born singing but I haven't always known my instrument and its ability. I used to think everyone should belt and have rasp and other powerful and unique things the voice does and if you couldn't do those things then you're not a singer. But then i started to discover Norah Jones, Dido and others and realised no two vocal instruments are the same, we all have our own sound and a different product to offer the great big world of listeners. Then i started to explore myself, my voice to find my musical identity. I feel once a singer knows his/her instrument very well they can achieve a level of brilliance. But I am still growing vocally and believe the world hasn't heard the best of me yet, we've just tipped the iceberg, the album will tell.

Steve: Are you a model?
Stephanie: I used to briefly when i was younger, not now. 

Colleen: What can you offer us here to improve the business?
Stephanie:  I seek out various opportunities in music such as licensing for record companies, tv shows, international ad campaigns, movies, ect that are alternate ways of earning in the music industry that Jamaica has not caught onto yet in a big way. My current and future successes in this area will def prove that there's more to our local music business than clashes and stage shows and payola, etc. That i believe will change the atmosphere of our "music business" and put more structure in place.

Mark: What do you like about your work?
Stephanie: I love that it flows so naturally for me, I'm not trying to do it you know - I'm meant to do it. I love that I'm fully and wholly myself when I'm doing music. It frees me! 

Roel and Damian:  Are you single?
Stephanie: Hahaa, no I am very much married.

Mario E: Is your journey what you envisioned it to be, and would you change anything about how it has unfolded?
Stephanie: Nothing like it..LOL...but seriously I've had my dreams and goals which keep evolving as i mature and my consciousness grows but I must say a lot of opportunities and experiences have come into my life that I never envisioned on the surface it seems. But with a closer look i realize that it doesn't look the way I thought it would but its definitely producing the desired result. For eg. living in Spain and touring the world with Fermin Muguruza and Groundation, I have definitely already traveled the world and have performed in front of massive sold out shows, where i can't even see where the people end. My two girls weren't planned, and didn't expect to be married at 25 but I so wanted a family, and to be in love. My life has been an exciting ride with big dreams but never a clear outline of when. I know the planners may go hmmm...you have to plan your life and I'm not saying i don't plan but it mostly goes how the Almighty sees best and I'm ok with that. I just continue to ask for divine guidance and continue on the staircase in faith even though i may not see the next step sometimes. B) I wouldn't change a thing, I am who I am today because of how my life has unfolded so far and I look forward to how it will continue to.

Lisa: What is your passion?
Stephanie: Life; God, music, family, friends.

Sanya: What/Who inspired you to start a career in music?
Stephanie: Well as far back as i can remember all I know is myself singing. It's literally like I've always know that's what I was born to do. But Celine Dion definitely sent it home for me. She sings so powerfully and whenever I hear or see her sing I always feel like "I want to do that, what she does."

Yelluh: What's the purpose of your life?
Stephanie: I believe my life's purpose is to multiply love. I do it in my music, my nurturing nature, and my charity work for eg. Books For Change and Classic Duets. Love is all i know how to do, even when I'm being hurt.

Jesse: How would you set yourself apart from everyone else?
Stephanie : Musically speaking - I have a song for everyone. I'm not just a reggae or r&b singer. I have a song for everyone. Generally - I am a die-hearted lover. Nothing can shake my belief in true love.

Natasha: Why should i hire you for a job, what makes you different, what do you bring to the table?
Stephanie: I am very dedicated and i commit my 100% energy to any task at hand. I do whatever i need to do to learn how to be better at what I'm assigned to do and apply myself.

Paul M, Stratdon, Shauna-Kay Renee, Jahvy, Billy Boy, Phan: What inspires your music?
Stephanie: My music is inspired by all my experiences in life and love. Past and present. I'm also a big dreamer, i use my imagination a a lot. And what most people call fantasizing or daydreaming is what I used to put myself in a desired situation and soak up the way it makes me feel and translate that in song. I also find inspiration from the lives of my friends and family. I'm big on TV, especially now that i write for tv show placements. I'm a sucker for romance and love, so movies along that line move me to lyrics. In essence, I find inspiration in everything!!

Keiton: Are you from heaven cause they missing an angel?
Stephanie: You crazy!

Panceta: What's the one thing that keeps you going?
Stephanie: I can give you three. :) God's grace and mercy, when my family is happy, the fans' reaction to my artistry.

Michael Sean: What would comprise an ideal year in the life of Stephanie?
Stephanie: Wow that's a loaded question Mike. Well right now I'd say releasing an album, at least three music videos, tour for six months(not necessarily back to back), two major collaborations, take a family vacation, help stage a grand and successful Gungo Walk Festival, land a few major song placements, continue to grow in parenthood/wifehood, expand my label Havatio Music to include other artists/productions,.........wooii i could go on, but there are only twelve months in a year..lol. The only thing I'll add is to keep a disciplined spiritual regime to always remain grounded, grateful and guided

Jah Prince: How do you feel about some dancehall artists 'sang-ing' their chorus instead of getting a vocalist to SING it?
Stephanie: Well i wont take anything away from anyone, it's their song so they can do as they please. But for want of an opinion, I think some artists just don't like to share the spotlight, and that selfishness hurts the product. I say lets create more music together and highlight ours and each others strengths.

Robin , Travis: Where do you go when you are singing?/ What does music do for you?
Stephanie: This one is deep Robin, but I totally expect this from you :). I go where no man has gone before.....dwl. Ok seriously - this answers Robin and Travis; singing frees me from all the concerns of the moment, Its not an escape(not for me), its therapy. I go in my zone; peace, freedom, pleasure, release. I know the last two sounds kinda naughty....lol... but Its just that i let it all go in the melodies. I'm free.

Cathy/ Lymie: What drives you to be who you are now?
Stephanie: Waking up every morning to experience God all over again, that's all I need. Experiencing God is all that I am and do!! It's in my family, my music, my interactions, everything i see, feel, breathe, touch,etc. Everyday is a miracle.

Xan: How do you want to be remembered?
Stephanie: That I dared to dream, that I inspired, that I helped someone in anyway to live a happy, healthy and prosperous life.

Richard: If you had to choose one...family or career, which would you choose?
Stephanie: Richard you play dirty trust me....lol. Instinctively I'd say family. But family is not family if it doesn't support your dreams and encourages you to have something for you. So there's really no choice, in a sense.

Kay "FancyMadame": Who influences your style of music and do you think we've lost "love" from our Jamaican music?
Stephanie: There are so many but I'll name a few; Alton Ellis, Jill Scott, India Arie, Beyonce, Sam Cooke, Brandy, etc.... trust me everyone I listen to influences my style at some given time but the above mentioned really stands out to me. b) We haven't lost love from our music, but the people responsible for bringing the music to us have dropped the ball big time in what they feed us on. Because there are so many artists who are pushing the message of love and oneness. And we as a people should take part of the responsibility cause if we filtered more carefully what we support, there will definitely be a shift in what they give us to listen to predominantly. That's my two cents, some may not agree.

Kathy:  How surprised are you (if at all) about your life today both professionally and personally?
Stephanie: When I really stop to look back at what my 27yrs have produced it really blows me away. Even looking at my 8yr old takes me aback sometimes. So yes it still does amaze and surprise me. And to think that there's sooooo much more in store. I have just brushed what is possible for me. 

Joy: What are your plans for the future?
Stephanie: Joy, you just want to done the page and don't leave any space for any more questions...lol.
So many! But for now I'll just ask that you expect only the best. I can't give it all away. But its all about growth and newness and excellence.

Harold Jes: What kind of make up u use to be so cute and lovely"BLACK IS BEAUTIFULL"
Stephanie: Well I'd like to believe that I have most of it naturally..:)...but in the make up department its all kudos to Tamika Nelson(Mirabel)